Tuesday, November 14, 2006

In-Laws in Australia

They left today! Nick's parents, sister, Grandmother and second-cousin departed Manchester for Heathrow at 19.25 (at least that was the expected take off time). After Heathrow and Singapore, they will land in Melbourne around 18.30 GMT on tomorrow, which is about 05.30 local time on Thursday. Still, rather them than me. Both of us decided that we didn't want to travel that distance with an infant (they wouldn't let me fly all that way now anyway). Also, Nick couldn't get 7 weeks off work! (They're all due back in January).

Personally, I'd rather wait til they were older and can appreciate the journey and go for about 5 weeks. Best time for me would be our summer hols as I won't have Guides or Cadets. Be a few years yet!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Have made a weird investment in a double pushchair. We have a single Graco pushchair which will accomodate the infant car seat until baby is big enough to sit up in pushchair. A number of manufacturers are doing these and they're usually referred to as Travel Systems. Thing is if I'm going to be needing to push two babies, I need another seat so have got a front / back contraption still in the box and in the car, and as it's a Graco we should be able to fit the car seat in it. I did experiments in Toy SR us to check Graco seats fitted Graco prams regardless of models. Hmm seeing the weather at the moment, maybe I should have invested in a raincover as well?!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Number Two!

Still at least I'm not inline for Pre-Eclampsia and hospital admission at 34 weeks with this baby as I was with little Amy. I would be admitted this week if I was. At present my BP is nice and low (or at least normal for me) , I have no water retention and my urine is OK. Still not sure about the birth. Emergency C-Section last time so this birth will be classed as my first in terms of labour and the duration of it! Should be before Christmas. Want it before Christmas. Nick's expecting me to be in over Christmas. I don't want to be, but having seen who's preaching at church that day . . . . . I could cope with missing the service.
Attended Toddler Group this morning. Little one's now asleep and I've email one important email about cancellation of football duty. don't know if it will be received in time, but I can't really do much else without the relevant contact numbers.

Planning on paying money into Guide account this afternoon and set up account for my daughter.

NTS - find birthday check for her from her Gt. Aunt.