Thursday, December 28, 2006

New arrival

on 17th December 2006 I gave birth to another baby girl.

Rebecca Rose. Weight 3.58kg / 7lbs 14oz. Height 54cm.

Monday, December 11, 2006

This pregnancy's going well, compared to the last one. Got about a week to go. Apprently lots of women have got fed up and just want baby to come out. Although I want baby to come out, I'm not fed up with the fat(er) stomach or anything. Seeing the midwife tomorrow for standard checks. At hospital next week if the baby hasn't made an appearance. They may look at inducing around then, although I have been offered a C-Section if I want one!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Hospital two weeks running! Well, they'd booked me in for a 36 growth scan but when we turned up last week (without my appointment card) they told me at Antinatal Clinic Reception that there was no clinic and that I was booked for a scan next week. I insisted that my appointment was for that day, but they said that they wouldn't have done that at there was no clinic. At scan reception their non computerised folder with paper booked sheet in had me down for a scan that day so scanned I was. As there was no clinic I had to go back this week. In the meantime I found my appointment card thus proving to myself that I WAS right and that the snooty clerks couldn't possible conceive that they had made the mistake they had made.

Anyway, the scan showed a growth spurth in the abdominal circumference (fat baby) and we had a quick chat with my consultant about the mode of delivery. The basic upshot being that as I'd had a C-Section with Amelia (due to her being in distress not me being lazy about giving birth properly), if I got fed up with waiting or didn't fancy a full labour I could elect a C-Sec if I wanted. Now as both Nick and I see this as unneccesary surgery (unlike Amelia's birth which was necessary surgery - if I'd refuse and delivered properly the fact that her cord was round her neck twice would probably have killed her) I am trying for a normal delivery. The only time I'd actually consider a C-Sec would be if this one goes into foetal distress.

Other than that, my BP and urine have been fine so no signs of pre-eclampsia reoccuring. This is good. I don't want to be hospitalised again. I'd only worry about Amelia too much which wouldn't be good for the BP.